Sunday, November 4, 2012

Monster Beats m olives along with

Did you know that olive leaf capsules typically contain the extract, which provides varying concentrations of the most active antioxidant; oleuropein? In most cases, about 20% of the extract is oleuropein. The rest could be Hydroxytyrosol, oleocanthal or inactive compounds.

Liquid extracts from the fresh leaves are said to be most active. One such extract gained international attention, when it was shown to have twice the antioxidant capacity of green tea and four times that of vitamin C. But, how important are antioxidants to our health?

Antioxidants neutralize free radical molecules, which naturally exist in the cells of our body. In some cases, they perform beneficial activity. For example, hydrogen peroxide is a free radical that can kill intracellular bacteria. Too much hydrogen peroxide, on the other hand,Monster Beats, can damage cellular membranes and DNA strands.

Antioxidants are also present in all of the cells of our body, assuming that the body is in a healthy state of balance. As we age, research has shown that the skin antioxidant level drops dramatically, while the number of free radical molecules continues to rise sharply.

Free radical damage can lead to wrinkles or cancerous growths. So, antioxidants are very important to our overall health. But, olive leaf capsules provide only some essential antioxidants. Others are important, too. Some are even more important to the skin health and appearance.

Coenzyme Q10, for example, is normally present in the skin cells in large amounts, particularly in young people. Age and sun exposure causes the skin COQ10 level to drop, along with the other antioxidants mentioned above.

Researchers began looking at the benefit of applying COQ10 directly to sun damaged skin, nearly a decade, ago. Over the years, they have proven again and again that the antioxidant can reverse sun damage, but it is most effective when the molecules are reduced in size.

You can take olive leaf capsules orally, but you cannot apply them directly to your skin. There are, however, wonderful body-lotions that contain oils derived from olives, along with reduced molecules of COQ10. This is the combination believed to be most beneficial, as the oils moisturize and are highly compatible with the skin own oils, while the COQ10 molecules work to repair free radical damage.

Marketers may overstate the benefits of taking olive leaf capsules. Some writers may exaggerate the results of scientific research. What you have read here is the truth, as we know it, today.

There may be some benefit to a single ingredient like this extract. But, the biggest benefits are seen when the extract, along with others are combined to create an anti-aging multi-nutritional formula.

Longevity research has revealed that there are dozens, if not hundreds of beneficial nutrients in the natural world. If we want to live the longest, healthiest lives possible, we need those nutrients.

If we want to look our best, as we live as long as possible, we need the best skincare products. We also need to avoid the synthetic ingredients that are prevalent on today market.

In conclusion, the cost of olive leaf capsules alone is prohibitive. Many people could not afford to take it and still take a good multi-vitamin. In today economy, it just makes sense to get the most that you can for your dollar. Related articles:

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